흥부 와 놀부
옛날 어느 마을에 한 혱제가 살았습니다. 혱의 이름은 놀부옜습니다. 그리고 동생의 이름은 흥부옜습니다. 아버지가 돌아가솄습니다. 아바지는 혱제에게 많은 재산을 물려주었습니다. 그러나 형 놀부는 재산을 혼자 많이 가졌습니다. 또 얼다 후에 놀부는 흥부와 흥부 가족을 집에서 내쫓았습니다. 그래서 흥부는 가난해졌지만 형을 미워하지 않았습니다. 흥부와흥부 가족은 열심히 일했습니다.
어 느 봄날, 제비 한 마리가 흥부의 집 지붕 밑에 집을 지었습니다. 또 그 제비는 새끼 제비도 낳았습니다. 새끼 제비들은 잘 자랐습니다. 그런데 어느 날 구렁이 한 마리가 제비집으로 올라갔습니다. 그리고 구렁이는 세끼 제비를 잡아먹으려고 했습니다. 그래서 새끼제비가 도망치려고 했습니다. 그 때 새끼 제비는 땅 에 떨어졌습니다. 그후 새끼 제비는 잘 자랐습니다.
가을이 되었습니다. 날씨가 추워졌습니다. 제비들은 모두 남쪽으로 날아갔습니다.
다 음 해 봄, 제비을이 흥부의 집으로 다시 돌아왔습니다. 그 중 제비 한 마리가 박씨를 하나 물고 왔습니다. 그리고 릉부의 집 마당에 박ㅆ를 떨어뜨렸습니다. 흥부는 박씨를 집 옆에 심았습니다. 얼마 후 흥부의 집 지붕에는 큰 박들이 많이 열렸습니다. 가을이 위었습니다. 흥부 가족들은 박들을 잘랐습니다. 박 속에는 많은 보물들이 있었습니다. 그래서 흥부는 부자가 되었습니다.
놀부가 이 이야기를 들었습니다. 놀부는 욕슴이 났습니다. 그래서 놀부는 새끼 제비한 마리를 잡아서 잡아서 다리를 부러뜨렸습니다. 그리고 놀부도 흥부처럼 새끼 제비의 다리를 고쳐 주었습니다.
다음 해 봄, 제비들이 남쪽에서 다시 날아왔습니다. 그 중 제비 한 마리가 놀부의 집에도 박씨를 하나 떨어뜨렸습니다. 놀부는 이 박씨를 심었습니다. 얼마 후 놀부의 집 지붕에도 큰 박들이 많이 열렸습니다.
'아, 이제 내가 더 큰 부자가 되겠다!'
놀부는 기뻤습니다. 놀부는 박을 잘랐습니다. 그러나 박에서는 보물 대신 도깨비들이 나왔습니다. 오깨비들은 놀부의 재산을 모두 빼앗았습니다. 그리고 집도 부수덨습니다. 놀부는 거지가 되었습니다. 흥부가 이 소식을 들었습니다. 흥부는 놀부 가족을 자기 집으로 데리고 왔습니다. 흥부는 놀부에게 새로 집을 지어 주어었습니다. 흥부는 음식과 옷도 주었습니다. 흥부는 놀부를 많이 도와주었습니다. 놀부는 잘못을 뉘우치고 흥부에게 사과했슴니다. 그 후 흥부와 놀부는 아주 사이좋게 살었습니다.
Heungbu and Nolbu
Once upon a time in a village there lived two brothers. The older brother’s name was Nolbu, and the younger brother’s name was Heungbu. Their father passed away. He passed down much wealth to the brothers, but the elder brother Nolbu alone got much of it. And after a while Nolbu kicked Heungbu and Heungbu’s family out of the house. And although Heungbu became poor, he didn’t hate his older brother. Heungbu and his family worked very hard.
One spring day, a swallow built its nest under the roof of Heungbu’s home. And that swallow produced some chicks. The swallow chicks grew well. But one day a serpent got up into the swallows’ nest. The serpent tried to snatch and eat a young swallow, but it tried to escape. The young swallow fell to the ground. Its leg was broken. Heungbu helped treat the swallow’s leg. After that, the young swallow grew well.
It became autumn. The weather became cold. All the swallows flew away to the south.
The next spring, the swallows returned again to Heungbu’s house. One among them came holding a gourd seed in its beak. And it dropped the gourd seed in the yard of Heungbu’s house. Heungbu planted it next to his house. After a while many large gourds grew on the roof of Heungbu’s house. It became fall. Heungbu’s family cut up the gourds. In the gourds’ cores there was a lot of treasure. So Heungbu became rich.
Nolbu heard this story. He was greedy. So he seized a swallow and broke its leg. And like Heungbu, Nolbu helped treat the swallow’s leg.
The next spring, the swallows flew back from the south. And one among them dropped a gourd seed at Nolbu’s house. Nolbu planted this seed, and after a while a lot of big gourds grew on his roof.
“Ah, now I will become even richer!”
Nolbu was delighted. He cut up the gourds. But instead of treasure in the gourds, monsters came out. The monsters forcibly seized all of Nolbu’s wealth. And they smashed up his house too. Nolbu became a beggar. Heungbu heard this news. Heungbu brought Nolbu’s family into his own house. Heungbu built for Nolbu a new house. He also gave him food and clothes. Heungbu helped him a lot. Nolbu repented and apologized to Heungbu. After that, Heungbu and Nolbu got along very well.
Once upon a time in a village there lived two brothers. The older brother’s name was Nolbu, and the younger brother’s name was Heungbu. Their father passed away. He passed down much wealth to the brothers, but the elder brother Nolbu alone got much of it. And after a while Nolbu kicked Heungbu and Heungbu’s family out of the house. And although Heungbu became poor, he didn’t hate his older brother. Heungbu and his family worked very hard.
One spring day, a swallow built its nest under the roof of Heungbu’s home. And that swallow produced some chicks. The swallow chicks grew well. But one day a serpent got up into the swallows’ nest. The serpent tried to snatch and eat a young swallow, but it tried to escape. The young swallow fell to the ground. Its leg was broken. Heungbu helped treat the swallow’s leg. After that, the young swallow grew well.
It became autumn. The weather became cold. All the swallows flew away to the south.
The next spring, the swallows returned again to Heungbu’s house. One among them came holding a gourd seed in its beak. And it dropped the gourd seed in the yard of Heungbu’s house. Heungbu planted it next to his house. After a while many large gourds grew on the roof of Heungbu’s house. It became fall. Heungbu’s family cut up the gourds. In the gourds’ cores there was a lot of treasure. So Heungbu became rich.
Nolbu heard this story. He was greedy. So he seized a swallow and broke its leg. And like Heungbu, Nolbu helped treat the swallow’s leg.
The next spring, the swallows flew back from the south. And one among them dropped a gourd seed at Nolbu’s house. Nolbu planted this seed, and after a while a lot of big gourds grew on his roof.
“Ah, now I will become even richer!”
Nolbu was delighted. He cut up the gourds. But instead of treasure in the gourds, monsters came out. The monsters forcibly seized all of Nolbu’s wealth. And they smashed up his house too. Nolbu became a beggar. Heungbu heard this news. Heungbu brought Nolbu’s family into his own house. Heungbu built for Nolbu a new house. He also gave him food and clothes. Heungbu helped him a lot. Nolbu repented and apologized to Heungbu. After that, Heungbu and Nolbu got along very well.