(Instead of the usual format of typing up the Korean and then the translation, I think I will begin reversing the process. I might even just give my English translation and add the Korean as a comment or only add particulars that I comment about. Ideally, I would like to continue typing up the Korean version, but it is time consuming and I don't want the project to fall behind on account of it.)
The Rabbit's Liver
Once upon a time, there was a Sea Palace in the sea. In this Sea Palace the King of the Sea was living. One day, this King of the Sea became ill. The Sea Palace doctor examined the king, and said:
"My King, the medicine for this illness is a rabbit's liver."
The king heard this and summoned all the animals. He said:
"The medicine for my sickness is a rabbit's liver. Who among you can come to procure a rabbit's liver?"
But of the animals in the sea, nobody came forward. The King of the Sea finally said:
"Whoever comes to procure a rabbit's liver can marry the princess."
Then many animals came forward. Turtle decided to procure a rabbit's liver.
Turtle had never seen a rabbit. But he obtained a picture of a rabbit. And he took it and got out of the sea to the land. Soon Turtle found a rabbit. The rabbit was taking a nap under a rock. Turtle stealthily crawled towards the rabbit, and kindly said:
"Rabbit, there is a big festival at the Sea Palace, in the middle of the sea. We want to invite you. Let's go!"
Turtle lied to Rabbit. Rabbit said:
"Oh, really? Great! Let's go together with some other friends!"
Turtle said:
"Yeah, that's a really great idea! But this time let's go with only you. Next time let's go together with your friends."
Rabbit rode on Turtle's back. They went to the Sea Palace in the middle of the sea. The two arrived there. But Rabbit was surprised. There was no festival. Instead, some Sea Palace soldiers tied up Rabbit tightly with a rope. And the soldiers were about to vut Rabbit's belly open with a knife. Turtle said:
"I'm sorry, Rabbit. In order to cure our king's illness, we need your liver."
Rabbit was in big trouble. But soon he thought of a plan. He suddenly laughed loudly and said:
"Turtle, if you would have told me the truth beforehand, I would have brought my liver! We rabbits leave our livers in the shade of a tree during the day. And at night we again put them back in our bodies. Now you say we need the liver--what shall we do?"
The other animals heard this and criticized Turtle. Rabbit said:
"Turtle, let's return to land. Let's get my liver from the tree's shade. Then let's cure the king's illness!"
Turtle and Rabbit went to the land again. As soon as they returned to land, Rabbit said:
"What a fool! How can an animal live without its liver?"
And Rabbit fled to the middle of the forest. Just because he was sad, Turtle cried. At that moment a white bearded old man appeared. The old man was a divine spirit.
"Turtle, why are you crying so?"
"Divine Spirit, our king is sick. The medicine for the king's illness is a rabbit's liver. So I have come to procure the liver of a rabbit. But I cannot procure it."
"Turtle, you have a good heart. Here, give this to your king. Then his illness will be cured soon."
The divine spirit gave Turtle some wild ginseng. Turtle again returned to the Sea Palace. With the wild ginseng he cured the King of the Sea's illness. And as promised, he and the princess married.
Monday, June 8, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
흥부 와 놀부: The Brothers Heungbu and Nolbu
흥부 와 놀부
옛날 어느 마을에 한 혱제가 살았습니다. 혱의 이름은 놀부옜습니다. 그리고 동생의 이름은 흥부옜습니다. 아버지가 돌아가솄습니다. 아바지는 혱제에게 많은 재산을 물려주었습니다. 그러나 형 놀부는 재산을 혼자 많이 가졌습니다. 또 얼다 후에 놀부는 흥부와 흥부 가족을 집에서 내쫓았습니다. 그래서 흥부는 가난해졌지만 형을 미워하지 않았습니다. 흥부와흥부 가족은 열심히 일했습니다.
어 느 봄날, 제비 한 마리가 흥부의 집 지붕 밑에 집을 지었습니다. 또 그 제비는 새끼 제비도 낳았습니다. 새끼 제비들은 잘 자랐습니다. 그런데 어느 날 구렁이 한 마리가 제비집으로 올라갔습니다. 그리고 구렁이는 세끼 제비를 잡아먹으려고 했습니다. 그래서 새끼제비가 도망치려고 했습니다. 그 때 새끼 제비는 땅 에 떨어졌습니다. 그후 새끼 제비는 잘 자랐습니다.
가을이 되었습니다. 날씨가 추워졌습니다. 제비들은 모두 남쪽으로 날아갔습니다.
다 음 해 봄, 제비을이 흥부의 집으로 다시 돌아왔습니다. 그 중 제비 한 마리가 박씨를 하나 물고 왔습니다. 그리고 릉부의 집 마당에 박ㅆ를 떨어뜨렸습니다. 흥부는 박씨를 집 옆에 심았습니다. 얼마 후 흥부의 집 지붕에는 큰 박들이 많이 열렸습니다. 가을이 위었습니다. 흥부 가족들은 박들을 잘랐습니다. 박 속에는 많은 보물들이 있었습니다. 그래서 흥부는 부자가 되었습니다.
놀부가 이 이야기를 들었습니다. 놀부는 욕슴이 났습니다. 그래서 놀부는 새끼 제비한 마리를 잡아서 잡아서 다리를 부러뜨렸습니다. 그리고 놀부도 흥부처럼 새끼 제비의 다리를 고쳐 주었습니다.
다음 해 봄, 제비들이 남쪽에서 다시 날아왔습니다. 그 중 제비 한 마리가 놀부의 집에도 박씨를 하나 떨어뜨렸습니다. 놀부는 이 박씨를 심었습니다. 얼마 후 놀부의 집 지붕에도 큰 박들이 많이 열렸습니다.
'아, 이제 내가 더 큰 부자가 되겠다!'
놀부는 기뻤습니다. 놀부는 박을 잘랐습니다. 그러나 박에서는 보물 대신 도깨비들이 나왔습니다. 오깨비들은 놀부의 재산을 모두 빼앗았습니다. 그리고 집도 부수덨습니다. 놀부는 거지가 되었습니다. 흥부가 이 소식을 들었습니다. 흥부는 놀부 가족을 자기 집으로 데리고 왔습니다. 흥부는 놀부에게 새로 집을 지어 주어었습니다. 흥부는 음식과 옷도 주었습니다. 흥부는 놀부를 많이 도와주었습니다. 놀부는 잘못을 뉘우치고 흥부에게 사과했슴니다. 그 후 흥부와 놀부는 아주 사이좋게 살었습니다.
Heungbu and Nolbu
Once upon a time in a village there lived two brothers. The older brother’s name was Nolbu, and the younger brother’s name was Heungbu. Their father passed away. He passed down much wealth to the brothers, but the elder brother Nolbu alone got much of it. And after a while Nolbu kicked Heungbu and Heungbu’s family out of the house. And although Heungbu became poor, he didn’t hate his older brother. Heungbu and his family worked very hard.
One spring day, a swallow built its nest under the roof of Heungbu’s home. And that swallow produced some chicks. The swallow chicks grew well. But one day a serpent got up into the swallows’ nest. The serpent tried to snatch and eat a young swallow, but it tried to escape. The young swallow fell to the ground. Its leg was broken. Heungbu helped treat the swallow’s leg. After that, the young swallow grew well.
It became autumn. The weather became cold. All the swallows flew away to the south.
The next spring, the swallows returned again to Heungbu’s house. One among them came holding a gourd seed in its beak. And it dropped the gourd seed in the yard of Heungbu’s house. Heungbu planted it next to his house. After a while many large gourds grew on the roof of Heungbu’s house. It became fall. Heungbu’s family cut up the gourds. In the gourds’ cores there was a lot of treasure. So Heungbu became rich.
Nolbu heard this story. He was greedy. So he seized a swallow and broke its leg. And like Heungbu, Nolbu helped treat the swallow’s leg.
The next spring, the swallows flew back from the south. And one among them dropped a gourd seed at Nolbu’s house. Nolbu planted this seed, and after a while a lot of big gourds grew on his roof.
“Ah, now I will become even richer!”
Nolbu was delighted. He cut up the gourds. But instead of treasure in the gourds, monsters came out. The monsters forcibly seized all of Nolbu’s wealth. And they smashed up his house too. Nolbu became a beggar. Heungbu heard this news. Heungbu brought Nolbu’s family into his own house. Heungbu built for Nolbu a new house. He also gave him food and clothes. Heungbu helped him a lot. Nolbu repented and apologized to Heungbu. After that, Heungbu and Nolbu got along very well.
Once upon a time in a village there lived two brothers. The older brother’s name was Nolbu, and the younger brother’s name was Heungbu. Their father passed away. He passed down much wealth to the brothers, but the elder brother Nolbu alone got much of it. And after a while Nolbu kicked Heungbu and Heungbu’s family out of the house. And although Heungbu became poor, he didn’t hate his older brother. Heungbu and his family worked very hard.
One spring day, a swallow built its nest under the roof of Heungbu’s home. And that swallow produced some chicks. The swallow chicks grew well. But one day a serpent got up into the swallows’ nest. The serpent tried to snatch and eat a young swallow, but it tried to escape. The young swallow fell to the ground. Its leg was broken. Heungbu helped treat the swallow’s leg. After that, the young swallow grew well.
It became autumn. The weather became cold. All the swallows flew away to the south.
The next spring, the swallows returned again to Heungbu’s house. One among them came holding a gourd seed in its beak. And it dropped the gourd seed in the yard of Heungbu’s house. Heungbu planted it next to his house. After a while many large gourds grew on the roof of Heungbu’s house. It became fall. Heungbu’s family cut up the gourds. In the gourds’ cores there was a lot of treasure. So Heungbu became rich.
Nolbu heard this story. He was greedy. So he seized a swallow and broke its leg. And like Heungbu, Nolbu helped treat the swallow’s leg.
The next spring, the swallows flew back from the south. And one among them dropped a gourd seed at Nolbu’s house. Nolbu planted this seed, and after a while a lot of big gourds grew on his roof.
“Ah, now I will become even richer!”
Nolbu was delighted. He cut up the gourds. But instead of treasure in the gourds, monsters came out. The monsters forcibly seized all of Nolbu’s wealth. And they smashed up his house too. Nolbu became a beggar. Heungbu heard this news. Heungbu brought Nolbu’s family into his own house. Heungbu built for Nolbu a new house. He also gave him food and clothes. Heungbu helped him a lot. Nolbu repented and apologized to Heungbu. After that, Heungbu and Nolbu got along very well.
Monday, April 20, 2009
바보 온달과 평강 공주: Stupid Ondal And Princess Pyeong-Gang
바보 온달과 평강 공주
예날 고구려에 한 청년이 어머니와 같이 살고 있었슴니다. 그의 이름은 온달이었습니다. 이웃 사람들은 그를 ‘바보 온달’ 이라고 불렀ㅅ,ㅂ니다. 그 때 궁궐에는 한공주가살았습니다. 이 공주의 이릅은 평강이었습니다. 평강 공주는 어릴 때 자주울었습니다. 그래서 임금님은 쳥강 공주가 울면 언제나 공주의 오름을 그치게하려고 이렇게 말했습니다.
“네가 그렇게 울면 바보 온달에게 시집 보내야겠다.”
평강 공주는 잘 자랐습니다. 평강 공주는 이제 결혼할 나이가 되었습니다. 임금님은 좋은 남자들을 평강 공주에게 소개해 주었습니다. 그러나 평강 공주는 말했습니다.
“저는 바보 온달과 결혼하겠습니다.”
임금님은 화가 났습니다.
“바보 온달과 결혼하려면 당장 궁궐에서 나가라. 보기도 싫다!”
평강 공주는 짐을 쌌습니다. 그리고 평강 공주는 바보 ㅇㄴ달의 집을 찾아갔습니다. 평강 공주는 바보 온달은 평강 공주한테서 많은 것을 배웠습니다. 글쓰기와 활쏘기, 말타기도 배웠습니다.
어느 날 적들이 이 고구려 나라를 공격했습니다. 사람들은 모두 도망가기 시작했습니다. 그 때 온달이 사람들에게 몰아냅니다.
"도망가지 마십시오. 같이 적을 말했습니다!"
온달은 칼과 갑옷을 평강 공주한테서 받았습니다. 온달은 국사들과 함께 적과 싸ㅝㅆ습니다. 한 ㅆ숨터에서 온달의 국사들과 적 국서들이 서로 맞서 있었습니다. 그러나 아무도 나서지 않았습니다. 그 때 온달이 앞으로 나와서 적들과 싸우기 시작했습니다. 글러자 적의 장수 한 사람이 나왔습니다. 온달은 적의 장수를 한 번에 죽였습니다. 죽들은 무서ㅝ서 모두 도망갔습니다.
사람들은 모두 온달을 칭찬했습니다. 임금님이 온달을 궁궐로 불렀습니다. 임금님은 물었습니다.
"네 이름이 무엇이냐?"
"예, 제 이름은 온달입니다."
임금님은 깜짝 놀랐습니다.
"네가 바로 온달이냐?"
"예, 그렇습니다."
온달은 임금님으로부터 많은 상을 받았습니다. 온달은 후에 장군이 되었습니다. 그리고 나라를 위해서 많은 일을 했습니다. 그러나 불행하게도 온달 장국은 신라와의 싸움에서 죽고 말았습니다.
In the old days, in the Kingdom of Goguryeo, a man was living with his mother. His name was Ondal. The neighbors called him "Stupid Ondal." At that time, a princess lived in the palace. This princess's name was Pyeong-Gang. When Princess Pyeong-Gang was young, she often cried. And when she cried, in order to stop her crying, the king spoke like this:
"With such crying, you'll have to get married to Stupid Ondal."
Princess Pyeong-Gang grew up well. She reached the marrying age. The king, for Princess Pyeong-Gang, introduced her to good men. But she said:
"I must marry Stupid Ondal."
The king got angry.
"If you want to marry Stupid Ondal, you can leave the place at once. I don't want to see it!"
Princess Pyeong-Gang packed her luggage. And she searched for the home of Stupid Ondal. She told the whole story to Stupid Ondal. They married. After that, Ondal learned many things. He learned reading and writing, archery, and horse-riding as well.
One day, enemies attacked the Goguryeo Kingdom. All the people began to run away. Then Ondal said to the people:
"Do not run away, good people. Let's chase out these enemies!"
Ondal received a sword and armor from Princess Pyeong-Gang. He and his soldiers fought with the enemies. They confronted each other on a battlefield. But nobody took the lead. Then Ondal stepped to the front to begin to fight. Then the general of the enemy himself came out. Ondal killed him with one strike. Because this frightened the enemies, they all ran away.
All the people praised Ondal. The king summoned Ondal to the palace. The king asked:
"What's your name?"
"Yes Sir, my name is Ondal."
The king was surprised.
"It's really Ondal?"
"Yes Sir, that is right."
Ondal received many prizes and rewards from the King. Later Ondal became a general. And he did a lot for the country. But unfortunately on the battlefield against the Shilla Kingdom, General Ondal died.
예날 고구려에 한 청년이 어머니와 같이 살고 있었슴니다. 그의 이름은 온달이었습니다. 이웃 사람들은 그를 ‘바보 온달’ 이라고 불렀ㅅ,ㅂ니다. 그 때 궁궐에는 한공주가살았습니다. 이 공주의 이릅은 평강이었습니다. 평강 공주는 어릴 때 자주울었습니다. 그래서 임금님은 쳥강 공주가 울면 언제나 공주의 오름을 그치게하려고 이렇게 말했습니다.
“네가 그렇게 울면 바보 온달에게 시집 보내야겠다.”
평강 공주는 잘 자랐습니다. 평강 공주는 이제 결혼할 나이가 되었습니다. 임금님은 좋은 남자들을 평강 공주에게 소개해 주었습니다. 그러나 평강 공주는 말했습니다.
“저는 바보 온달과 결혼하겠습니다.”
임금님은 화가 났습니다.
“바보 온달과 결혼하려면 당장 궁궐에서 나가라. 보기도 싫다!”
평강 공주는 짐을 쌌습니다. 그리고 평강 공주는 바보 ㅇㄴ달의 집을 찾아갔습니다. 평강 공주는 바보 온달은 평강 공주한테서 많은 것을 배웠습니다. 글쓰기와 활쏘기, 말타기도 배웠습니다.
어느 날 적들이 이 고구려 나라를 공격했습니다. 사람들은 모두 도망가기 시작했습니다. 그 때 온달이 사람들에게 몰아냅니다.
"도망가지 마십시오. 같이 적을 말했습니다!"
온달은 칼과 갑옷을 평강 공주한테서 받았습니다. 온달은 국사들과 함께 적과 싸ㅝㅆ습니다. 한 ㅆ숨터에서 온달의 국사들과 적 국서들이 서로 맞서 있었습니다. 그러나 아무도 나서지 않았습니다. 그 때 온달이 앞으로 나와서 적들과 싸우기 시작했습니다. 글러자 적의 장수 한 사람이 나왔습니다. 온달은 적의 장수를 한 번에 죽였습니다. 죽들은 무서ㅝ서 모두 도망갔습니다.
사람들은 모두 온달을 칭찬했습니다. 임금님이 온달을 궁궐로 불렀습니다. 임금님은 물었습니다.
"네 이름이 무엇이냐?"
"예, 제 이름은 온달입니다."
임금님은 깜짝 놀랐습니다.
"네가 바로 온달이냐?"
"예, 그렇습니다."
온달은 임금님으로부터 많은 상을 받았습니다. 온달은 후에 장군이 되었습니다. 그리고 나라를 위해서 많은 일을 했습니다. 그러나 불행하게도 온달 장국은 신라와의 싸움에서 죽고 말았습니다.
In the old days, in the Kingdom of Goguryeo, a man was living with his mother. His name was Ondal. The neighbors called him "Stupid Ondal." At that time, a princess lived in the palace. This princess's name was Pyeong-Gang. When Princess Pyeong-Gang was young, she often cried. And when she cried, in order to stop her crying, the king spoke like this:
"With such crying, you'll have to get married to Stupid Ondal."
Princess Pyeong-Gang grew up well. She reached the marrying age. The king, for Princess Pyeong-Gang, introduced her to good men. But she said:
"I must marry Stupid Ondal."
The king got angry.
"If you want to marry Stupid Ondal, you can leave the place at once. I don't want to see it!"
Princess Pyeong-Gang packed her luggage. And she searched for the home of Stupid Ondal. She told the whole story to Stupid Ondal. They married. After that, Ondal learned many things. He learned reading and writing, archery, and horse-riding as well.
One day, enemies attacked the Goguryeo Kingdom. All the people began to run away. Then Ondal said to the people:
"Do not run away, good people. Let's chase out these enemies!"
Ondal received a sword and armor from Princess Pyeong-Gang. He and his soldiers fought with the enemies. They confronted each other on a battlefield. But nobody took the lead. Then Ondal stepped to the front to begin to fight. Then the general of the enemy himself came out. Ondal killed him with one strike. Because this frightened the enemies, they all ran away.
All the people praised Ondal. The king summoned Ondal to the palace. The king asked:
"What's your name?"
"Yes Sir, my name is Ondal."
The king was surprised.
"It's really Ondal?"
"Yes Sir, that is right."
Ondal received many prizes and rewards from the King. Later Ondal became a general. And he did a lot for the country. But unfortunately on the battlefield against the Shilla Kingdom, General Ondal died.
General Ondal,
Princess Pyeong-Gang,
Stupid Ondal
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
빨간 부채와 파란 부채 The Red Fan and the Blue Fan
빨간 부채와 파란 부채
어느 마을에 한 농부가 살았습니다. 이 농부는 열심히 일했습니다. 그러나 농부는 언제나 가난했습니다. 어느 날 농부는 길에서 주머니를 한 개 주웠습니다. 이 주머니 속에는 빨간 부채와 파란 부채가 있었습니다.
농부는 먼저 빨간 부채를 부쳐 보았습니다. 농부는 깜짝 놀랐습니다. 왜냐하면 농부의 코가 길어졌기 때문입니다. 그래서 농부는 다시 파란 부채를 부쳐 보았습니다. 그러자 이번에는 농부의 코가 줄어들었습니다. 농부는 생각했습니다.
‘아, 이것은 정말 신기한 부채다!’
농부는 집으로 돌아왔습니다. 농부는 아내에게 부채를 보여 주었습니다. 그러자 아내는 이 부채로 돈을 벌고 싶었습니다. 그래서 아내는 농부에게 말했습니다.
“여보, 김 부자한테 가서 몰래 빨간 부채를 부치세요. 그래서 김 부자의 코를 길게 만드세요. 그러면 김 부자는 코를 줄이기 위해서 많은 돈을 줄 거예요.”
농부는 아내의 말대로 김 부자 집니다. 농부는 김 부자 몰래 빨간 부채를 부쳤습니다. 그러자 정말 김 부자의 코가 길어졌습니다. 김 부자는 깜짝 놀랐습니다. 김 부자는 마을 사람들에게 말했습니다.
“누구든지 내 코를 작게 만드는 사람에게 돈을 많이 주겠습니다.”
농부가 말했습니다.
“제가 고치겠습니다.”
농부는 가짜 약을 김 부자에게 주었습니다. 김 부자는 가짜 역을 먹었습니다. 이 때 농부는 파란 부채를 몰래 김 부자에게 부쳤습니다. 그러자 김 부자의 코가 다시 줄어들었습니다.
농부는 김 부자한테서 많은 돈을 받았습니다. 농부는 부자가 되었습니다. 그래서 일도 더 이상 하지 않았습니다. 농부와 그의 아내는 심심해졌습니다. 그래서 두 사람은 부채를 가지고 놀았습니다.
두 사람은 먼저 빨간 부채를 부쳤습니다. 농부와 농부 아내의 코가 아주 길어졌습니다. 두 사람은 다시 파란 부채를 부쳤습니다. 그러나 농부 아내의 코는 줄어들지 않았습니다.
“여보, 이게 웬일이에요? 부채를 더 세게 부치세요.”
농부의 아내가 소리쳤습니다. 그렇지만 두 사람의 코는 줄어들지 않았습니다.
The Red Fan and Blue Fan
A farmer lived in a village. This farmer worked diligently, but nonetheless was always poor. One day, the farmer picked up a pouch on the road. Inside the pouch there was a red fan and a blue fan.
The farmer first tried fanning the red fan. Was he ever surprised! Because then the farmer’s nose grew longer. So the farmer once more tried fanning, with the blue fan. This time the farmer’s nose became short.
The farmer thought, ‘Wow, these are some really amazing fans!’
The farmer went back home. He showed his wife the fans. And she wanted to earn some money with them. So she said to the farmer, “Honey, go to Rich Man Kim and secretly fan him with the red fan. It will make Rich Man Kim’s nose long. Then in order to shorten his nose, Rich Man Kim might give lots of money.”
As his wife said, the farmer went to the home of Rich Man Kim. The farmer secretly fanned Rich Man Kim with the red fan. And indeed, Rich Ham Kim’s nose grew longer. Rich Man Kim was very surprised.
He spoke to the villagers, “Whoever makes my nose short, I will give that person lots of money.”
The farmer said, “I will cure it.”
The farmer gave Rich Man Kim some fake medicine. Rich Man Kim ate it. And the farmer secretly fanned Rich Man Kim with the blue fan. Then Rich Man Kim’s nose grew short again.
The farmer received a lot of money from Rich Man Kim. The farmer became a rich man. He didn’t have to work any more. He and his wife became bored. So the two played with the fans. First the couple fanned the red fan. The farmer and his wife’s noses grew very long. The couple then fanned themselves again with the blue fan. But their noses didn’t become short.
“Honey, what’s this? Fan the fan some more! Harder!” Shouted the farmer’s wife. But the couple’s noses didn’t become short.
A farmer lived in a village. This farmer worked diligently, but nonetheless was always poor. One day, the farmer picked up a pouch on the road. Inside the pouch there was a red fan and a blue fan.
The farmer first tried fanning the red fan. Was he ever surprised! Because then the farmer’s nose grew longer. So the farmer once more tried fanning, with the blue fan. This time the farmer’s nose became short.
The farmer thought, ‘Wow, these are some really amazing fans!’
The farmer went back home. He showed his wife the fans. And she wanted to earn some money with them. So she said to the farmer, “Honey, go to Rich Man Kim and secretly fan him with the red fan. It will make Rich Man Kim’s nose long. Then in order to shorten his nose, Rich Man Kim might give lots of money.”
As his wife said, the farmer went to the home of Rich Man Kim. The farmer secretly fanned Rich Man Kim with the red fan. And indeed, Rich Ham Kim’s nose grew longer. Rich Man Kim was very surprised.
He spoke to the villagers, “Whoever makes my nose short, I will give that person lots of money.”
The farmer said, “I will cure it.”
The farmer gave Rich Man Kim some fake medicine. Rich Man Kim ate it. And the farmer secretly fanned Rich Man Kim with the blue fan. Then Rich Man Kim’s nose grew short again.
The farmer received a lot of money from Rich Man Kim. The farmer became a rich man. He didn’t have to work any more. He and his wife became bored. So the two played with the fans. First the couple fanned the red fan. The farmer and his wife’s noses grew very long. The couple then fanned themselves again with the blue fan. But their noses didn’t become short.
“Honey, what’s this? Fan the fan some more! Harder!” Shouted the farmer’s wife. But the couple’s noses didn’t become short.
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
왜 고양이가 쥐를 미워해요? Why Do Cats Hate Rats?
왜 고양이가 쥐를 미워해요?
어느 날 쥐가 신령님께 심부름을 갔습니다. 그러나 쥐는 금방 돌아왔습니다. 고양이가 쥐에게 물었습니다.
“쥐야, 무슨 일이 있었어? 왜 이렇게 빨리 돌아왔어?”
“으응, 신령님이 말씀하셨어. ‘동물들아, 내일 설날에 일찍 세배하러 오너라. 실낱에 내가 상을 주겠다. 그리고 오는 순서대로 띠도 정하겠다.’”
고양이는 말랬습니다.
“쥐야, 그럼 우리 내일 새벽에 같이 가자.”
“그래, 그렇게 하자.”
쥐도 찬성했습니다. 그리고 쥐는 다른 동물들에게도 이 이야기를 전했습니다. 고양이는 생각했습니다.
‘첫 번째로 가서 상을 받아야겠다. 또 첫 번째 띠도 되어야겠다.’
소도 쥐의 이야기를 들었습니다. 소는 생각했습니다.
‘나는 걸음이 느리니까 먼저 떠나야겠다.’
그래서 그 날 밤 소는 다른 동물들보다 먼저 길을 떠났습니다. 쥐가 이것을 보았습니다. 그래서 쥐는 소의 등에 탔습니다. 쥐는 고양이와의 악속을 잊어버렸습니다. 다른 동물들도 그 날 밤 소를 보았습니다. 그래서 모두 출발했습니다.
소는 밤새 걸었습니다. 마침내 소는 신령님이 사는 곳에 제일 먼저 도착했습니다. 그러나 문이 아직 닫혀 있었습니다. 소는 문 앞에서 기다려야 했습니다. 그 사이에 소는 잠이 들었습니다.
아침이 되었습니다. 쥐는 문이 열리자마자 소의 등에서 뛰어 내렸습니다. 쥐가 제일 먼저 집 안으로 들어갔습니다. 쥐는 신령님께 절을 했습니다. 다음에 소가 절을 했습니다.
그 뒤에 호랑이, 토끼, 용, 뱀, 말, 양, 원숭이, 닭, 개, 그리고 돼지가 차례로 절을 했습니다. 모두 열두 마리 동물들이었습니다.
그 때까지 고양이는 계속 쥐를 기다렸지만 쥐는 오지 않았습니다. 결국 고양이는 혼자 신령님께 가기로 했습니다. 그러나 고양이가 신령님이 사는 곳에 도착 헸을 때는, 열두 마리 동물들은 이미 다 상을 받았습니다. 또 신령님이 띠도 정했습니다. 고양이는 화가 났습니다.
‘아, 쥐가 나를 속였구나!’
이 때부터 고양이는 쥐를 미워하기 시작했습니다.
One day, Rat went on an errand to a divine spirit. But soon he returned. Cat asked, "Rat, what happened?"
"Mmm, the divine spirit said, 'Animals, tomorrow on New Year's Day, come early tomorrow in order to greet me. For New Year's Day, I'll give my rewards.'"
Cat said, "Rat, then tomorrow at dawn, let's go together."
"Yeah, we'll do that," Rat agreed.
And Rat notified the other animals of this story.
Cat thought, 'By going first, one should receive a reward. And become the first zodiac sign too.'
Ox heard Rat's story as well. Ox thought, 'Since my pace is so slow, I should leave first.'
So that night Ox hit the road before the other animals. Rat saw this. So Rat got up on Ox's back. Rat forgot about his promise to Cat. The other animals also saw Ox that night. So they all set out. Only Cat waited until dawn.
All night long Ox walked. At last he arrived first at the place where the divine spirit lives. But the door was still closed. Ox had to wait in front of the door. In the meantime Ox fell asleep.
It became morning. As soon as the door opened, Rat jumped down from Ox's back. Rat entered into the home first thing. He bowed deeply to the divine spirit. Next, Ox bowed deeply.
After that, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Ram, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Hog bowed deeply one by one, twelve animals in all.
Even though Cat continued to wait for Rat until then, Rat still didn't come. Finally Cat decided to go to the divine spirit alone. But when Cat arrived at the place the divine spirit lived, the twelve animals already received all of the rewards. Also, the divine spirit decided the zodiac signs as well.
Cat got angry, 'Oh, Rat deceived me!'
And from that occasion, cats began to hate rats.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
소가 된 사람: The Man Who Became A Cow
소가 된 사람
The Man Who Became A Cow
옛날 어느 시골에 한 게으름뱅이가 사고 있었습니다. 이 게으름뱅이는 전혀 일을 하지 않았습니다. 아내 는 밭 에서 열심히 일을 했지만 이 게으름뱅이는 낮잠만 잤습니다.
어느 날 아내가 게으름뱅이 남편에게 불평했습니다. 게으름뱅이는 화가 났습니다. 그래서 게으름뱅이는 집을 떠났습니다.
옛날 어느 시골에 한 게으름뱅이가 사고 있었습니다. 이 게으름뱅이는 전혀 일을 하지 않았습니다. 아내 는 밭 에서 열심히 일을 했지만 이 게으름뱅이는 낮잠만 잤습니다.
어느 날 아내가 게으름뱅이 남편에게 불평했습니다. 게으름뱅이는 화가 났습니다. 그래서 게으름뱅이는 집을 떠났습니다.
Once upon a time there lived a lazy man in a rural village. This lazy man never worked at all. While his wife worked diligently in the vegetable field, Lazybones only napped.
One day the wife complained to her lazy husband. Lazybones became angry, and so he left the house.
게으름뱅이는 산 속에서 한 노인을 만났습니다. 이 노인은 나무로 탈을 만들고 있었습니다. 게으름뱅이는 노인에게 물었습니다.
“할아버지, 무엇을 만드십니까?”
“소머리 탈을 만들고 있소.”
“그런데 그것을 왜 만드십니까?”
“게으름뱅이가 이것을 쓰면, 좋은 일이 생기오.”
“아, 그래요? 그럼, 제가 한 번 써 보겠습니다.”
In the heart of the mountains, Lazybones met an old man. This old man was making a mask out of wood. Lazybones spoke with the man:
“Grandfather, what are you making?”
“I am making a cow-head mask...”
“But why are you making it?”
“If a lazy person wears it, good things will happen.”
“Oh, really? Then, I will try wearing it at once.”
게으름뱅이는 소머리 탈을 썼습니다. 그러자 게으름뱅이는 정말 소가 되었습니다. 게으름뱅이는 깜짝 놀랐습니다.
“할아버지, 이 탈을 벗겨 주십시오!”
그렇지만 사람의 목소리는 나오지 않았습니다. 그 대신 ‘음메, 음메’ 소리만 났습니다. 노인은 이 소를 시장 이로 데리고 갔습니다. 그리고 노인은 소를 한 농부에게 팔았습니다.
Lazybones tried on the cow-head mask. And then he really became a cow. Lazybones was surprised:
“Grandfather! Please take off this mask!”
But a human voice did not come out. Instead, the only sound that came out was “Moo, moo.” The old man brought the cow to the market. And the old man sold the cow to a farmer.
농부는 매일 이 소에게 많은 일 시켰습니다. 소는 새벽부터 밤까지 하루 종일 일을 해야 했습니다. 그래서 게으름뱅이는 생각했습니다.
‘아, 너무 힘들다. 차라리 죽고 싶다!’
그 때 게으름뱅이는 노인이 했던 말이 생각났습니다. 노인은 소를 팔 때 농부에게 이렇게 말했습니다.
“이 소는 무를 먹으면 죽습니다. 그러니까 무를 조심하십시오.”
The next day the farmer ordered the cow to work. The cow had to work all day long from dawn until night. Then Lazybones thought:
“Oh, it’s too difficult. I would rather die.”
At this, Lazybones remembered the words spoken by the old man. When the old man sold the cow, he said to the farmer like this:
“If this cow eats a radish in its throat, it will die. Therefore, be careful about radishes.”
다음 날도 게으름뱅이는 밭에서 일을 해야 했습니다. 그러다가 갑자기 게으름뱅이는 무밭으로 달려갔습니다. 그리고 무를 먹었습니다. 게으름뱅이는 곧 다지 사람이 되었습니다. 농부는 깜짝 놀랐습니다. 게으름뱅이는 농부에게 지난 일을 자세히 설명했습니다. 그리고 게으름뱅이는 집으로 돌아왔습니다. 그 후부터 게으름뱅이는 아주 열심히 일했습니다. 그래서 아내와 함께 행복하게 살았습니다.
Lazybones in the mask had to work the next day as well. While he was doing so, suddenly Lazybones ran to a radish field. And he ate a radish. Soon, Lazybones changed again into a man. The farmer was very surprised. Lazybones explained the story to the farmer in detail. And Lazybones returned to his house. And from that time on, Lazybones worked very diligently. And together with his wife lived happily ever after.
The plan is to type up Korean stories, each of which is a page or so. Then I will offer my translation, followed by a brief commentary. I will do this one story at a time, every week to ten days or so.
Let this add to my contribution among weigukin (외국인~ foreigner)--an interface with English for Korean folktales, as well as translation commentary, and an extra window into Korean culture.
Even if it exists for my own sake, it is good practice for me to translate the tales, using a book of simplified tales called Once Upon a Time in Korea (by In Ku Kim-Marshall). This book helps to translate by providing vocabulary lists with English after each story. Also, each title is translated. At the onset of this blog, I can get through a translation in a couple hours or so, and I hope to get faster, of course. Typing up the stories in Korean is another terrific exercise.
But my hope is that this blog can also offer a springboard to the reader's edification, whether the reader chooses to contribute in translation discussion, to use the translations to study Korean, to contribute similarly with folk tale translations, or in the least, to learn more about Korean culture by looking into the window of stories commonly known to Koreans.
Let this add to my contribution among weigukin (외국인~ foreigner)--an interface with English for Korean folktales, as well as translation commentary, and an extra window into Korean culture.
Even if it exists for my own sake, it is good practice for me to translate the tales, using a book of simplified tales called Once Upon a Time in Korea (by In Ku Kim-Marshall). This book helps to translate by providing vocabulary lists with English after each story. Also, each title is translated. At the onset of this blog, I can get through a translation in a couple hours or so, and I hope to get faster, of course. Typing up the stories in Korean is another terrific exercise.
But my hope is that this blog can also offer a springboard to the reader's edification, whether the reader chooses to contribute in translation discussion, to use the translations to study Korean, to contribute similarly with folk tale translations, or in the least, to learn more about Korean culture by looking into the window of stories commonly known to Koreans.
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