빨간 부채와 파란 부채
어느 마을에 한 농부가 살았습니다. 이 농부는 열심히 일했습니다. 그러나 농부는 언제나 가난했습니다. 어느 날 농부는 길에서 주머니를 한 개 주웠습니다. 이 주머니 속에는 빨간 부채와 파란 부채가 있었습니다.
농부는 먼저 빨간 부채를 부쳐 보았습니다. 농부는 깜짝 놀랐습니다. 왜냐하면 농부의 코가 길어졌기 때문입니다. 그래서 농부는 다시 파란 부채를 부쳐 보았습니다. 그러자 이번에는 농부의 코가 줄어들었습니다. 농부는 생각했습니다.
‘아, 이것은 정말 신기한 부채다!’
농부는 집으로 돌아왔습니다. 농부는 아내에게 부채를 보여 주었습니다. 그러자 아내는 이 부채로 돈을 벌고 싶었습니다. 그래서 아내는 농부에게 말했습니다.
“여보, 김 부자한테 가서 몰래 빨간 부채를 부치세요. 그래서 김 부자의 코를 길게 만드세요. 그러면 김 부자는 코를 줄이기 위해서 많은 돈을 줄 거예요.”
농부는 아내의 말대로 김 부자 집니다. 농부는 김 부자 몰래 빨간 부채를 부쳤습니다. 그러자 정말 김 부자의 코가 길어졌습니다. 김 부자는 깜짝 놀랐습니다. 김 부자는 마을 사람들에게 말했습니다.
“누구든지 내 코를 작게 만드는 사람에게 돈을 많이 주겠습니다.”
농부가 말했습니다.
“제가 고치겠습니다.”
농부는 가짜 약을 김 부자에게 주었습니다. 김 부자는 가짜 역을 먹었습니다. 이 때 농부는 파란 부채를 몰래 김 부자에게 부쳤습니다. 그러자 김 부자의 코가 다시 줄어들었습니다.
농부는 김 부자한테서 많은 돈을 받았습니다. 농부는 부자가 되었습니다. 그래서 일도 더 이상 하지 않았습니다. 농부와 그의 아내는 심심해졌습니다. 그래서 두 사람은 부채를 가지고 놀았습니다.
두 사람은 먼저 빨간 부채를 부쳤습니다. 농부와 농부 아내의 코가 아주 길어졌습니다. 두 사람은 다시 파란 부채를 부쳤습니다. 그러나 농부 아내의 코는 줄어들지 않았습니다.
“여보, 이게 웬일이에요? 부채를 더 세게 부치세요.”
농부의 아내가 소리쳤습니다. 그렇지만 두 사람의 코는 줄어들지 않았습니다.
The Red Fan and Blue Fan
A farmer lived in a village. This farmer worked diligently, but nonetheless was always poor. One day, the farmer picked up a pouch on the road. Inside the pouch there was a red fan and a blue fan.
The farmer first tried fanning the red fan. Was he ever surprised! Because then the farmer’s nose grew longer. So the farmer once more tried fanning, with the blue fan. This time the farmer’s nose became short.
The farmer thought, ‘Wow, these are some really amazing fans!’
The farmer went back home. He showed his wife the fans. And she wanted to earn some money with them. So she said to the farmer, “Honey, go to Rich Man Kim and secretly fan him with the red fan. It will make Rich Man Kim’s nose long. Then in order to shorten his nose, Rich Man Kim might give lots of money.”
As his wife said, the farmer went to the home of Rich Man Kim. The farmer secretly fanned Rich Man Kim with the red fan. And indeed, Rich Ham Kim’s nose grew longer. Rich Man Kim was very surprised.
He spoke to the villagers, “Whoever makes my nose short, I will give that person lots of money.”
The farmer said, “I will cure it.”
The farmer gave Rich Man Kim some fake medicine. Rich Man Kim ate it. And the farmer secretly fanned Rich Man Kim with the blue fan. Then Rich Man Kim’s nose grew short again.
The farmer received a lot of money from Rich Man Kim. The farmer became a rich man. He didn’t have to work any more. He and his wife became bored. So the two played with the fans. First the couple fanned the red fan. The farmer and his wife’s noses grew very long. The couple then fanned themselves again with the blue fan. But their noses didn’t become short.
“Honey, what’s this? Fan the fan some more! Harder!” Shouted the farmer’s wife. But the couple’s noses didn’t become short.
A farmer lived in a village. This farmer worked diligently, but nonetheless was always poor. One day, the farmer picked up a pouch on the road. Inside the pouch there was a red fan and a blue fan.
The farmer first tried fanning the red fan. Was he ever surprised! Because then the farmer’s nose grew longer. So the farmer once more tried fanning, with the blue fan. This time the farmer’s nose became short.
The farmer thought, ‘Wow, these are some really amazing fans!’
The farmer went back home. He showed his wife the fans. And she wanted to earn some money with them. So she said to the farmer, “Honey, go to Rich Man Kim and secretly fan him with the red fan. It will make Rich Man Kim’s nose long. Then in order to shorten his nose, Rich Man Kim might give lots of money.”
As his wife said, the farmer went to the home of Rich Man Kim. The farmer secretly fanned Rich Man Kim with the red fan. And indeed, Rich Ham Kim’s nose grew longer. Rich Man Kim was very surprised.
He spoke to the villagers, “Whoever makes my nose short, I will give that person lots of money.”
The farmer said, “I will cure it.”
The farmer gave Rich Man Kim some fake medicine. Rich Man Kim ate it. And the farmer secretly fanned Rich Man Kim with the blue fan. Then Rich Man Kim’s nose grew short again.
The farmer received a lot of money from Rich Man Kim. The farmer became a rich man. He didn’t have to work any more. He and his wife became bored. So the two played with the fans. First the couple fanned the red fan. The farmer and his wife’s noses grew very long. The couple then fanned themselves again with the blue fan. But their noses didn’t become short.
“Honey, what’s this? Fan the fan some more! Harder!” Shouted the farmer’s wife. But the couple’s noses didn’t become short.
What I need to do is check to see how I can make the English portion format with paragraph indentation. The Korean portion formats nicely, but...
ReplyDeleteThis story was easier to translate, although it has a few new honorific words and uses a couple different language styles. The hardest part was leaving the ending alone, which is totally unsatisfying to me, and makes me wonder if it is okay with Koreans? Or is there a portion of the story that didn't make the cut?
Here I left the farmer unnamed, but named Rich Man Kim although the Korean uses Kim together with "rich man" as if it isn't (or perhaps it is) his nickname. They could just be saying "(Mr) Kim, the rich man," every time they refer to him.
Let this be a lesson to New Money. One's idle hands can strangle him.
This translated story is really perfect :)
ReplyDeleteI can see if you translated hard or not.